Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  How soon after an event are the images posted to the web?
Print quality?
Website image specifications?
Why are 5x7 and 8x10 prints different from the original image?
Explain how an order is placed and completed?
Are there restrictions on the use of the images?
Image misuse and/or image theft?
What does "focus" mean in the image identifier?
 If your question is not listed or the answer did not help, then ask the question.  
  How soon after an event are the images posted to the web? (Top)
It takes a minimum of 2-3 days to sort the images and post them to the web site. If you would like to be notified by email when the images are posted, please use the Notify or Register features.
  Print quality? (Top)
Our quality is excellent. Our print on photosensitive paper is superior to home printer quality where the inks fade over time. The print quality exceeds the image quality of the images (72 pixels/inch) presented on the AK Action Photo web site.
  Website image specifications? (Top)
A vertical image on the AK Action Photo web site is 360 pixels (width) x 540 pixels (height). The resolution is 72 pixels/inch. The entire image with respect to width and height is presented on the web site. Nothing is omitted. The image that you purchase will be zoomed and cropped as required or cropped per your specifications supplied via the Make your own feature.
  Why are 5x7 and 8x10 prints different from the original image? (Top)
Click here for the answer.
  Explain how an order is placed and completed? (Top)
Overview of purchasing images.
  1. Locate your image by using "Click your sport" and clicking your sport.
  2. Specify search criteria and your event or game or date.
  3. Review images.
  4. For individual images, pick appropriate item or package and quantity.
  5. Submit your order.
  6. Adjust individual images with Make Your Own, and send that information.
  7. Pay.
  8. Order ships.
The order process is described in a Flash movie (64K).

The order starts from the page listing photographs available from an event.
Step 1. You mouse click to check the items you wish to purchase. You supply your name, email address, phone number(optional), and any comments(optional). Clicking "Submit the order," sends an email to AK Action Photo.
Step 2. We receive the email at AK Action Photo. We review the digital image file for focus. We send a brief reply email with comments about the focus and image quality. This reply email tells you to make the check payable to Andrew Katsampes and where to send your check. The reply email also contains a link to PayPal for making payment.
Step 3. You send your check to the address supplied or you pay via PayPal.
Step 4. Check is received. PayPal payment is acknowledged.
Step 5. Print(s) are sent to you via Priority Mail or the digital image file is uploaded to Kodak Gallery and the Kodak Gallery folder is shared with you.
Step 6. The print(s) are delivered to you or the Kodak Gallery folder is shared with you. Once a Kodak Gallery is shared with you, you are able to order prints, cards, mugs, or any of the other products offered by Kodak Gallery.
  Are there restrictions on the use of the images? (Top)
All images are sold for personal use only. There are no restrictions as to how the image is used, provided you, the purchaser, and the subject of the photograph are one and the same person. In the case of equestrian photos, if the purchaser is the owner of the horse, then there are no restrictions on images use.

It is strictly prohibited to use any images created by AK Action Photo or Andrew Katsampes commercially unless written consent is provided in writing by Andrew Katsampes and model releases are signed by any individuals (or their legal guardians) who appear in the images.
  Image theft and misuse? (Top)
AK Action Photo and Andrew Katsampes are not responsible for any illegal or immoral activities resulting from the theft and misuse of any images appearing on this web site. All preview images on this website remain the property of AK Action Photo and Andrew Katsampes.
  What does "focus" mean in the image identifier? (Top)
Basically this is a warning. While sorting and posting the images, we noticed this image appears to be out of focus. On the web site, it may appear to be in focus. For a more thorough review, just ask.